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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Indonesia Accounting Fair 10

PSAK 50 & 55 : Dealing With The Revised Standard of Financial Instruments
Monday - Thursday, February 23rd - 26th, 2009

IAF 10 trying to deliver concept of event which can help you to understand and obtaining adequate knowledge about recent issues in accounting especially PSAK 50 & 55.
IAF 10 - Event Concept:
1. Seminar & Talkshow
Day/Date : Monday, February 23rd, 2009
Place : Auditorium FEUI

Session 1: “The Story Behind The Revision of PSAK 50 & 55”
Moderator : TV News Anchor
Speaker: Roy Iman (Partner E&Y)
This session will give an overview about PSAK 50 & 55, including the background of the revision, the difference between revise and previous standard, and positive effect that will be gained after the implementation of the standard.

Session 2: “The Implementation of PSAK 50 & 55 in Banking Industry”
Moderator: Chaerul D Djakman (Kepala Jurusan Akuntansi FEUI)
Speaker: Muliaman D Hadad (Deputi Gubernur BI)
Pahala N Mansuri (Chief Financial Officer Bank Mandiri)
Rosita Uli Sinaga (Anggota DSAK dan Partner Deloitte)
This session explains the preparations to implement the revise standard and challenges to make adjustments in financial reporting which are faced by banking industry, as the most affected industry.

Session 3: “The Implementation of PSAK 50 & 55 in Relevant Industries”
Moderator : A.A.A Ratna Dewi (Akademisi FEUI)
Speaker : Praktisi dari perusahaan Multifinance
Praktisi dari perusahaan Sekuritas
Praktisi dari perusahaan Manufaktur
M Jusuf Wibisana (Ketua DSAK)
This session explains the preparations to implement the revise standard and challenges to make adjustments in financial reporting which are faced by relevant industries, such as securities, insurance and manufacture.

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  • Indonesia Accounting Fair 10PSAK 50 & 55 : Dealing With The Revised Standard of Financial InstrumentsMonday - Thursday, February 23rd - 26th, 2009IAF 10 trying to deliver concept… Read More
  • Indonesia Accounting Fair 10PSAK 50 & 55 : Dealing With The Revised Standard of Financial InstrumentsMonday - Thursday, February 23rd - 26th, 2009IAF 10 trying to deliver concept… Read More

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